3 Signs That A Certain Vacation Home Is An Awesome Investment
Posted on:
29 May 2019
Many, many people buy vacation homes with the intent of spending a few weeks per year in the home, and then renting it out the rest of the time. Some of these people end up making a profit, while others end up losing money. What's the difference? Primarily, the difference seems to be in the homes they choose to buy. So how do you know that a particular vacation home is going to be a great investment?
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Selling Your Condo: Key Considerations
Posted on:
22 May 2019
Do you own a condo that you're thinking about selling? If so, it's important to remember that selling a condo in the United States is similar to selling a house in some ways, but there are also some significant differences. Here is a closer look at several key considerations to keep in mind when you are trying to dispose of your condo.
Timing is often an important factor when selling a home.
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3 Reasons To Upgrade Your Property Management To A Smart System
Posted on:
22 September 2018
The basic principles behind property management have not changed over the years. As a manager of a property management team you handle payments, complaints from tenants, tenants moving out, and new tenants moving in. You also may handle the maintenance calls and schedules that come through as well. What has changed in property management is the ability to be smartphone connected. Here are three reasons to upgrade your property management to a smart system for your entire team.
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Cons Of Buying A House On A Busy Street
Posted on:
27 October 2017
Some people prefer to live near a busy street because it is "where the action is." It is true that living near a busy street has its benefits; for example, such locations tend to be more secure and maintained than neighborhoods farther from the main streets. However, there are also a few potential drawbacks of living near busy, such as these:
Depending on how tolerant you are of loud noises, this is one of the most annoying things about living near a busy street.
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