Four Features To Look For When Investing In Real Estate Property For Rental Purposes
Posted on:
18 November 2015
If you want to get your foot in the door with real estate investing, buying properties that can immediately be leased or rented is a good option. You can often finance the overall cost of the house and allow tenant rent payments to take care of the payments. However, not every reasonably-priced home you find on the market will be rental worthy. There are a few must-have features that you should be looking for when it comes to investing in rental real estate properties.
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Own House Rental Properties? Make Sure You Take Care Of The Outside
Posted on:
17 November 2015
If you own house rental properties, it is important that you keep the exterior of them looking nice for your current tenants, as well as prospective tenants. This is, after all, the first thing they see when they arrive at the rental properties. Below are some things you should consider doing for your tenants.
Hire a landscaping company to take care of your rental house's property. They will keep shrubs or bushes trimmed, and make sure they stay trimmed throughout the year.
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How To Winterize Your RV For Storage Before Winter
Posted on:
13 November 2015
You've spent the summer and fall camping and having a great time in your family RV, but now it's time to put your rolling baby to bed for winter. Be sure to winterize your RV properly before storing it to ensure your pipes do not burst during those freezing cold days, and to ensure that you don't have an infestation of mice living in your RV while you're not using it.
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3 Tips For Beginning Property Investors
Posted on:
12 November 2015
If you are interested in investing in property, you need to be prepared to invest a considerable amount of time into the learning process. Here are three things you should do as a beginning property investor.
#1 Determine Your Investment Area
The first thing you need to do is determine your investment area. You need to decide if you want to spend time learning about either residential or commercial properties in your area.
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