How To Legally Qualify A Tenant

Posted on: 13 January 2016
When a landlord brings in a new tenant, they take the risk of the tenant not paying rent plus losing time and legal fees in the eviction process. Some landlords may try to choose tenants based on a gut feeling, but this is both a bad business practice and something that could leave them open to accusations of discrimination. To select well-qualified tenants, perform the following checks. Income Verification Common real estate thinking is that a tenant should make at least three times the rent to be able to afford a rental.
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Three Steps To Dealing With A Potential Bee Infestation

Posted on: 11 January 2016
Whether you are allergic or just uneasy around bees, it can be a scary experience to have your property infested with them. Because of this, you should understand a few considerations that will help you identify them properly, weigh the costs and get them removed from your property quickly and conveniently. With this in mind, read on and follow these steps, in order to handle any kind of bee issue that you have today.
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Rental Fraud – Avoid Falling Victim

Posted on: 17 December 2015
Looking for an apartment to rent and make your home can be exhausting. Finding the perfect location, the right price and all of the features that you want makes the search more than a little daunting. Unfortunately, these aren't the only things you should be concerned about during your search – you also have to worry about rental fraud. Rental fraud happens every day. Renters give their hard-earned money to the person they think is the landlord or property manager only to learn when the time comes to move into the apartment that they had been scammed.
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How To Select A Luxury Apartment

Posted on: 16 December 2015
Are you finding that your home is simply too big for you? You may find that being empty-nesters makes your home feel lonely. It may also be that you are retiring and that you don't want the upkeep of a large home. For whatever the reason, if downsizing is in your near future, but you still want to maintain a luxurious home, here are some ideas for you to consider.
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